Supabase GraphQL (pg_graphql) 1.4+ supports the most requested feature: Postgres functions a.k.a. User Defined Functions (UDFs). This addition marks a significant improvement in GraphQL flexibility at Supabase, both as a novel approach to defining entry points into the Graph and as an escape hatch for users to implement custom/complex operations.
As with all entities in Supabase GraphQL, UDFs support is based on automatically reflecting parts of the SQL schema. The feature allow for the execution of custom SQL logic within GraphQL queries to help support complex, user defined, server-side operations with a simple GraphQL interface.
Minimal Example
Consider a function addNums
for a basic arithmetic operation:
_10create function "addNums"(a int, b int default 1)_10returns int_10immutable_10language sql_10as $$_10 select a + b;_10$$;
when reflected in the GraphQL schema, the function is exposed as:
_10type Query {_10 addNums(a: Int!, b: Int): Int_10}
To use this entry point, you could run:
_10query {_10 addNums(a: 2, b: 3)_10}
which returns the JSON payload:
_10{_10 "data": {_10 "addNums": 5_10 }_10}
Supabase GraphQL does its best to reflect a coherent GraphQL API from all the information known to the SQL layer. For example, the argument a
is non-null because it doesn't have a default value while b
can be omitted since it does have a default. We also detected that this UDF can be displayed in the Query
type rather than the Mutation
type because the function was declared as immutable
, which means it can not edit the database. Of the other function volatility categories, stable
similarly translates into a Query
field while volatile
(the default) becomes a Mutation
Returning Records
In a more realistic example, we might want to return a set of an existing object type like Account
. For example, lets say we want to search for accounts based on their email address domains matching a string:
_23create table "Account"(_23 id serial primary key,_23 email varchar(255) not null_23);_23_23insert into "Account"(email)_23values_23 ('a@foo.com'),_23 ('b@bar.com'),_23 ('c@foo.com');_23_23create function "accountsByEmailDomain"("domainToSearch" text)_23 returns setof "Account"_23 stable_23 language sql_23as $$_23 select_23 id, email_23 from_23 "Account"_23 where_23 email ilike ('%@' || "domainToSearch");_23$$;
Since our function is stable
, it continues to be a field on the Query
type. Notice that since we're returning a collection of Account
we automatically get support for Relay style pagination on the response including first
, last
, before
, after
as well as filtering and sorting.
_35type Query {_35 accountsByEmailDomain(_35 domainToSearch: String!_35_35 """_35 Query the first `n` records in the collection_35 """_35 first: Int_35_35 """_35 Query the last `n` records in the collection_35 """_35 last: Int_35_35 """_35 Query values in the collection before the provided cursor_35 """_35 before: Cursor_35_35 """_35 Query values in the collection after the provided cursor_35 """_35 after: Cursor_35_35 """_35 Filters to apply to the results set when querying from the collection_35 """_35 filter: AccountFilter_35_35 """_35 Sort order to apply to the collection_35 """_35 orderBy: [AccountOrderBy!]_35 ): AccountConnection_35}
To complete the example, here's a call to our user defined function:
_10query {_10 accountsByEmailDomain(domainToSearch: "foo.com", first: 2) {_10 edges {_10 node {_10 id_10 email_10 }_10 }_10 }_10}
and the response:
_18{_18 "data": {_18 "accountsByEmail": {_18 "edges": [_18 {_18 "node": {_18 "id": 1,_18 "email": "a@foo.com"_18 }_18 },_18 "node": {_18 "id": 3,_18 "email": "c@foo.com"_18 }_18 ]_18 }_18 }_18}
While not shown here, any relationships defined by foreign keys on the response type Account
are fully functional so our UDF result is completely connected to the existing Graph.
It’s worth mentioning that we could have supported this query using the default accountCollection
field that pg_graphql
exposes on the Query
type using an ilike
filter so the example is only for illustrative purposes.
_10query {_10 accountCollection(filter: { email: { ilike: "%foo.com" } }, first: 2) {_10 edges {_10 node {_10 id_10 email_10 }_10 }_10 }_10}
would give the same result as our UDF.
The API surface area of SQL functions is surprisingly large. In an effort to bring this feature out sooner, some lesser-used parts have not been implemented yet. Currently functions using the following features are excluded from the GraphQL API:
- Overloaded functions
- Functions with a nameless argument
- Functions returning void
- Variadic functions
- Functions that accept a table/views's tuple type as an argument
- Functions that accept an array type
We look forward to implementing support for many of these features in coming releases.
If you're an existing Supabase user, but new to GraphQL, head over to GraphiQL built right into Supabase Studio for your project to interactively explore your projects through the GraphQL API. User defined function support is new in pg_graphql 1.4+. You can check your project's GraphQL version with:
_10select *_10from pg_available_extensions_10where name = 'pg_graphql';
To upgrade, check out our upgrade guide.
For new Supabase users, creating a new project will get you the latest version of Supabase GraphQL with UDF support.
If you're not ready to start a new project but want to learn more about pg_graphql
/Supabase GraphQL, our API docs are a great place to learn about how your SQL schema is transformed into a GraphQL API.