Vecs is a new Python library for managing embeddings in your Postgres database with the pgvector extension.
It handles:
- Creating and indexing tables
- Querying vectors by cosine distance, l2 distance, and max inner dot product
- Filtering based on user-defined metadata
Our goal for vecs
is to provide an interface that lets Postgres + pgvector look and feel like a dedicated vector store. It works with any Postgres database (or platform) that supports pgvector.
It was designed with ease-of-use, interactivity, and exploratory data analysis in mind, but works equally well as a search workhorse.
If you're interested in the nuts and bolts of what's going on, it's trivial to drop into the SQL layer and see what's happening. Alternatively, folks who don't want to know what's happening in the database, don't need to care.
makes it easy to create a collection (table) and insert a few records - just 5 lines of code.
_10import vecs_10_10DB_CONNECTION = "postgresql://<user>:<password>@<host>:<port>/<db_name>"_10_10# create vector store client_10vx = vecs.create_client(DB_CONNECTION)_10_10# create a collection of vectors with 3 dimensions_10docs = vx.get_or_create_collection(name="docs", dimension=3)
The get_or_create_collection
call sets up a table in the Postgres database specified by DB_CONNECTION
in a schema named vecs
with the user defined name docs
Or, more specifically:
_10create table vecs.docs (_10 id text primary key,_10 vec vector(3) not null,_10 metadata jsonb not null default '{}'::jsonb_10);
We can insert a few records in that new SQL table/vecs collection using Collection.upsert
_10# add records to the collection_10docs.upsert(_10 vectors=[_10 (_10 "vec0", # the records user defined identifier_10 [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], # the vector. A list or np.array_10 {"year": 1973} # associated metadata_10 )_10 ]_10)
which will add the records to our table if the id
does not exist, or updates the existing record if it does exist.
You can query a vecs collection at any time without an index, but it's a best practices to create an index on your collection after inserting data.
Where index
optionally takes an argument for the distance measure to index.
Finally, we can search the collection for similar vectors using the query
_10docs.query(_10 query_vector=[0.10,0.21,0.29], # required_10 limit=1, # (optional) number of records to return_10 filters={"year": {"$eq": 1973}}, # (optional) metadata filters_10 measure="cosine_distance", # (optional) distance measure to use_10 include_value=False, # (optional) should distance measure values be returned?_10 include_metadata=False, # (optional) should record metadata be returned?_10)
Which returns:
_10[("vec1", 0.000697, {"year": 1973})]
Since all metadata is stored in a jsonb
column, there's a lightweight but flexible DSL wrapped around it for filtering.
When you're done, disconnect with:
And 90% of the time, that minimal interface is all you'll need to touch.
For more in-depth information about vecs
, checkout the API Quickstart,
celebrity look-alike demo,
or OpenAI integration example
Deploying with Supabase
As usual, if you combine supabase/vecs with the rest of Supabase, you get more than the sum of the parts. Once you're happy with your vecs collection, you can make it accessible to your front-end through a supabase client library by exposing the collection as a view in your public schema.
For example, you could create a view
_10create view public.docs as_10 select_10 id,_10 embedding,_10 metadata, # Expose the metadata as JSON_10 (metadata->>'url')::text as url # Extract the URL as a string_10 from_10 vecs.docs
And then access it with the supabase-js client library within your applications:
_10const { data, error } = await supabase_10 .from('docs')_10 .select('id, embedding, metadata')_10 .eq('url', '/hello-world')
For more deployment options, including enterprise scalable architecture, check out the engineering for scale guide.
Future ideas
Currently, vecs
is unopinionated about where vectors come from or how they're produced. While there will always be a need for generic vector
storage and querying, it's becoming clear that text and image vectorization make up +95% of usage. That gives us the opportunity to
streamline those workflows for users.
One option we're exploring is to optionally assign transformation pipelines to collections along the lines of:
_14# This is mock code only, not currently functional_14_14docs: Collection =vx.get_or_create_collection(_14 docs='docs',_14 dimension=512,_14 transform = TextPreprocessor( # this is new_14 model="sentence-transformers/all-Mini-L6-v2"_14 )_14)_14_14docs.upsert([_14 ("id_0", "# Some markdown", {}),_14 ("id_1", "# Some more markdown", {})_14])
so users can choose to work with their preferred media type without ever thinking about vectors.
Another direction we're considering is adding an async client to avoid blocking when waiting on the database or network i.e.
_10# This is mock code only, not currently functional_10_10await docs.upsert([_10 ("id_0", [0.1, 0.2, 0.3], {}),_10])
Both possibilities are still up for debate. If you have view on either, feel free to weigh in on the Feature Request: Preprocessing Transform and Feature Request: Async Client GitHub issues.
More info
- Source code: github.com/supabase/vecs
- Vecs Docs: supabase.github.io/vecs/
- Supabase Vector Toolkit: supabase.com/docs/guides/ai